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Romancing Miss Bronte Free Book

Get free books from Random House. I love how many giveaways they do and they're so fast and easy to enter. This time, they're giving away the book Romancing Miss Bronte by Juliet Gael.

"A brilliantly atmospheric novel that brings to vivid life both the dizzyingtriumphs and terrible sorrows of the Brontë sisters, and how lovedramatically and most unexpectedly found Charlotte Brontë.

In a brilliant mélange of fact and fiction, Juliet Gael tells the extraordinary andpoignant story of Charlotte Brontë and her remarkable family, her celebratedsisters, and brilliantly debauched brother. Romancing Miss Brontë vividly brings tolife Charlotte Brontë's passions and hopes, dreams and sorrows. The Brontësisters had both great successes and brilliant failures as writers, but they are alsoknown for the tragedies that befell their family's household. Even after attainingwide literary acclaim and celebrity, Charlotte remains lonely, keenly longing forcompanionship. Glamorous forays into London and meeting premier societymembers fail to fill the void. Life at Haworth is lonely, with only her aging fatherand his brash curate, Arthur Bell Nichols, for company. But then, mostunexpectedly, after secretly pining for her through the years, Arthur begins wooinga reluctant Charlotte, coaxing her to envision a life--and love!--with him.

Enter for a free advance copy while supplies lasts."