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Free Router for the FCC

You can get a free router just for helping Uncle Sam monitor your broadband connection. The router is a Netgear WNR3500L wireless router. Only 10,000 routers will be given out so hurry now.

The FCC and SamKnows want to monitor your bandwidth speed, capacity, quality, latency and more to find out if service providers are giving what they promise.

All the information you need to give out:

* First name What's your first name?
* Last Name What's your last name?
* Email Address Please provide a valid email address This email address has already been registered
* Zipcode What's your zipcode?
* Your ISP What's your ISP provider?
* Other ISP Provider Please select your ISP
Your Service Tier What's your service tier?
* Advertised Connection Speed Up To: Please select your connection speed.
* Other ISP Connection Speed: Please select your Connection Speed
* Verification (capcha)