As anyone on this blog probably knows by now, when you get free coupons you save a lot of money on your monthly bills. You save on food, household items, toiletries and even toys or movies. Many times the coupons that can be clipped from magazines or printed from sites like aren’t worth as much as we had hoped. If you really want to save big money and even get free products, follow these simple steps. This will work no matter what you want; whether it be Kotex coupons, Febreze coupons, Cheerios coupons, Kashi coupons or anything else.
Step 1: Get a box, bottle or bag of your favorite product. Search the bottle over for the website. This will usually be located beneath the ingredients.
Step 2: Go to your computer and type in the website on the product. Check the primary company name, such as Proctor and Gamble or Kimberly-Clarke, etc. You can use this on a variety of products, but you want to avoid contacting the same company multiple times in a short timeframe.
Step 3: Find the Contact Us button on the website. This is usually either at the top right of the page or on the very bottom.
Step 4: Fill out the required boxes on the Contact Us form. Choose ‘General Comments’ if they ask for a reason why you are contacting them.
Step 5: In the comment box state why you like the product you are contact them about. For example, if you are trying to get Febreze coupons, tell Proctor and Gamble how it got the smell of dog vomit after a bad vet trip out of your car seats. If you are trying to get Kotex coupons tell them how you only trust their feminine hygiene products. For Cheerios coupons, explain that you are using it to lower your bad cholesterol or that it’s even part of a doctor’s recommendation. For Kashi coupons, explain that you are trying to live a healthier more natural life.
Step 6: Do not forget to give your name and address on the Contact Us form.
That’s it. Not much work, right? You can repeat this with all of your favorite products as long as the manufacturer is different.
About 1 - 2 business days after you send your comments you will receive an e-mail from a customer service representative. This will usually say that in order to thank you for your time in helping them better their products and develop new products, they are going to send you a packet of manufacturer’s coupons. About 2 - 6 weeks later you will receive your coupons.
Every time I have done this I have received a coupon for a free product or two as well as a booklet or packet of other coupons for products from the same manufacturer. I have received free Febreze coupons, Kotex coupons and Kashi coupons in the last month, which is why I wanted to share this right now. It’s a great way to get coupons in the mail and the extra manufacturer’s coupons are worth $1 or more off other items.
How to Get Kotex Coupons, Febreze Coupons, Cheerios Coupons, Kashi Coupons and More
Posted by
Tara Swadley
on Friday, March 4, 2011
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